The University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute (UM-SJTU JI, JI hereafter) has organized the 10th meeting of the China-Foreign Joint Education Conference held in Shanghai from October 10 to 12, in collaboration with the SJTU-Paris Elite Institute of Technology and the SJTU-USC Institute of Cultural and Creative Industry.  Centered around the theme of “Promoting National Development through Science and Education via High-Quality Sino-Foreign Cooperative Education,” the conference aimed to explore new ideas for high-quality development in China-foreign joint education. Over 400 participants from 205 joint education institutions and programs across China attended the event.

On the afternoon of October 10, representatives from 20 chairing institutions convened for the 10th presidium meeting of the Joint Education Conference. The meeting focused on addressing key issues and challenges in Sino-foreign cooperative education. Representatives engaged in in-depth and productive discussions, exploring innovative strategies to promote the high-quality development of international collaborative education programs.

The official opening ceremony took place on the morning of October 11. SJTU Vice President Weidong Liu presided over the meeting.

In his welcome address, SJTU President Kuiling Ding emphasized the Chinese government’s strong commitment to opening up higher education. He acknowledged the dual challenges and opportunities in today’s global environment and stressed the value of openness and mutual benefit. President Ding shared three key points: first, the university’s long-standing tradition of openness, rooted in its founding and strengthened through international cooperation in the reform era; second, the focus on improving education quality, particularly by developing innovative global talent; and third, the vital role of international research collaboration, highlighting universities as key drivers of global scientific and technological cooperation.

Linlin Ye, deputy director of the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, highlighted the crucial role Sino-foreign joint education plays in shaping academic and talent development in Shanghai. He emphasized the importance of continued innovation in educational philosophy, methods, and management, calling for joint efforts to cultivate talent with both global perspectives and a strong sense of national pride. Ye reaffirmed Shanghai’s commitment to advancing education reforms by leveraging both domestic and international resources to build a world-class education system and contribute to China’s goal of becoming an education powerhouse.

Peng Jia, deputy director of the International Cooperation and Exchange Department at the Ministry of Education, emphasized the importance of drawing from State policies when planning the future of Sino-foreign joint education. He urged institutions to continue utilizing the Joint Education Conference as a vital platform for cooperation, contributing to China’s efforts to modernize its education system.

During the session, Yanzhi Zhao, president of Shenyang University and chairman of the Joint Education Conference, presented a comprehensive report on the Secretariat’s work, highlighting major achievements over the past decade. He outlined key priorities for the future, including expanding the Conference’s influence, increasing positive media coverage, and strengthening its role as a think tank for Sino-foreign cooperative education.

Themed presentations were moderated by Chairman of the JI Council Ming Yang, where representatives from four joint education institutions shared insights on best practices. Professor Peihua Gu of Tianjin University discussed the transformation of engineering education, emphasizing the role of joint programs in cultivating innovative engineering talent. President Shijun Tong of New York University Shanghai spoke about how international universities can contribute to local communities and turn geopolitical challenges into opportunities. Vice President Zhongxuan Luo of Dalian University of Technology highlighted the impact of joint education on national development, while JI Dean Chien-Pin Chen showcased the institute’s unique educational model and its contributions to international engineering education.

In the afternoon, five parallel forums were held, covering topics such as pathways for engineering-focused joint education, the role of digital technology in joint education, and innovative curricula under the “Three Innovations” framework. Representatives exchanged ideas and explored the new challenges and missions in the field of Sino-foreign joint education.

The closing ceremony was held afterwards, chaired by Tao Meng, dean of the International Business School at Dongbei University of Finance and Economics and secretary general of the Joint Education Conference. Summaries of sub-forums were presented by JI Deputy Party Secretary Chong Wang and representatives from the other five joint education institutes.

In addition to the formal sessions, conference participants also visited the UM-SJTU Joint Institute, the SJTU-Paris Elite Institute of Technology, the SJTU-USC Institute of Cultural and Creative Industry, and the SJTU History Museum, gaining deeper insight into SJTU’s international education philosophy and development.

The China-Foreign Joint Education Conference, founded in August 2014 under the guidance of the Ministry of Education, serves as a national platform for promoting high-quality development in Sino-foreign cooperative education. It aims to strengthen cooperation among joint education institutions and contribute to China’s higher education modernization.