The 2016 MCM/ICM was held online from January 29 to February 2, attracting 12,446 teams from twelve countries, including the USA, Canada, Finland, the UK and Australia. Nearly 40, 000 students from world renowned universities such as U.C. Berkeley, Cambridge University, Tsinghua University and Beijing University participated in the contest. Only 2%, or 27 teams, won the grand prizes.
There are two categories of the competition: Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM) and Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling (ICM). Each team would select a problem and solve it within four days. Contestants would build a mathematical model and write a paper clarifying the problem, hypothesis, mathematical model construction, software, testing, improvement, strengths and weaknesses of the model, as well as the application of the model.
MCM/ICM was started in 1985 by the Consortium for Mathematics and Its Applications (COMAP). It is the only international mathematical modeling contest of its kind and regarded as the Olympic Game of mathematical modeling. It has become the most famous international collegial contest and has been attracting increasingly more college contestants throughout the world. Since 2012, more and more teams from JI’s Innovation Club have participated in the contests and have recorded outstanding performances, having won a total of 17 first prizes and 37 second prizes.
JI Winner list:
Meritorious Winners(First prize,6 teams)
Team 43823 才以德 毕泉智 张淳
Team 43825 陈力力 王子榛 龚兆杰
Team 43829 杜仪湃 王子钊 蔡思伟
Team 43842 韦成浩 陈汉青 宋杰铭
Team 43843 伍心翊 欧昕钺 凌晨
Team 43844 徐日上 戴玥 张赫
Honorable Mentions (Second prize, 5 teams)
Team 43821 卜晗 冯正扬 孟高乐
Team 43832 韩序 张民敏 陈志卿
Team 43835 连琪 何淳 陶斯旭
Team 43838 沈添翼 朱维宇 褚天逸
Team 43841 王子健 诸葛英杰 姚越
Successful Participants (Participation prize, 10 teams)
Team 43827 陈瑜阳 朱嘉徐 关淞元
Team 43830 高源 赏栩 董靖
Team 43833 侯越超 陆城林 马维卿
Team 43834 金诚诚 梁宇轩 季家桢
Team 43836 卢任重 彭铭燃 胡翀
Team 43837 乔天予 邹晓枫 曹越
Team 43839 宋宭 杨浩鑫 苏杭
Team 43840 王雨卓 楼建坤 吕其臻
Team 43845 叶蔚杰 柯子安 谢沐风
Team 43847 赵锡简 金林毅 李钰婷
Related news:
JI Students Win Big at 2015 MCM/ICM