The 2017 University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute (UM-SJTU JI) I3Q International Summer School, the first JI Summer School for International Students, was held on July 3 to July 7. The attendees consisted of 18 international students from 13 countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Turkey, India, Morocco and Indonesia, as well as 20 Chinese students. JI provided a rich program with a variety of activities for students to experience the learning and living environment of JI graduate students.


The summer school kicked off at JI’s multimedia classroom on the morning of July 3. David Hung, JI Associate Dean for Graduate Education, welcomed the students and gave a briefing about the JI and international graduate student admission.

201708072Professor Roberto Dugnani gave a seminar titled “Fractography: How Things Break”

201708073Professor Chong Han gave a seminar titled “5G and Beyond: Enabled by Terahertz Technologies”

201708075Dr. Irene Wei gave a seminar titled “Talent Trends in China and Career Planning”

201708076Participants visiting the Huawei Company

The activities of the international summer school included research seminars, faculty research forum, company visits and discussions. The participants appreciated the events highly. JI’s international atmosphere, interdisciplinary research environment and professional academic management left a deep impression on the students.


201708078JI teachers giving out awards to seminar contest winners

At the closing ceremony, the participants started a very active discussion and made constructive suggestions for the international summer school. Kate Qi, Director of JI’s Office of Graduate Education, patiently answered students’ questions about the application for JI’s graduate program and scholarships. Associate Dean Hung stressed that the international summer school plays an important role for JI’s internationalization and JI will strive to improve the international summer school to attract more outstanding graduate students.