Google staff answering questions from JI students
To beef up students’ knowledge of the business world and expose them to the frontier technology, the Business Division of JI’s Students Union organized a visit to Google, Shanghai in Pudong on July 10. Twenty students participated in the event.
Mr. LiAn Yi, a SJTU alumni working at Google, gave a briefing about Google and presented Google’s employee-oriented culture. Students were impressed by Google’s Customer-first business idea. When a student asked, “What sustains you to do your daily job well?” Mr. Yi answered, “The thought that my code would affect millions of users reminds me of my social responsibility and drives me to do my best.”
At Google’s Shanghai headquarter
JI Students were given a tour of the company. Many details demonstrate Google’s care about their staff, such as coffee room, library, billiard for employees to relax and refresh. The friendly office layout and the casual environment is the cradle of creativity, which has deeply attracted the students.
JI Students have benefited a great deal from the visit to Google’s Shanghai headquarter, which has provided them not only the opportunity to experience the culture of the IT heavy weight but also an outlook of job market in the IT sector.