Development Advisory Board
The UM-SJTU Joint Institute (JI) Development Advisory Board (DAB) assists JI’s Dean and leadership team in fulfilling its sustainable development goals through providing broad-based advice and strategic guidance on fundraising for enrichment, and review of educational issues. Through member efforts and continued contributions, JI has been able to actualize visions of excellence in academic and talents cultivation. DAB Meeting is held on an annual basis to ensure effectiveness, DAB members meet to discuss the relevant key issues and make recommendations.

Group photo of DAB members during the 7th DAB meeting on November 29, 2020.
Richard Rogel
- DAB Co-chair
- President of Tomay Inc.,
- Vice Chair of the Michigan Campaign
John Wu
- DAB Co-chair
- Founding Partner & Chairman, FengHe Fund Management Pte Ltd.
Jane Sun
- DAB Co-chair
- CEO, Ctrip.Com International Ltd.
Yudong Chen
- DAB Director
- President, Bosch (China) Investment Ltd.
John Cheng
- DAB Director
- Managing Director, China International Capital Corporation Ltd.
Michael Gong
- DAB Director
- Executive Director, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. L.P.
Peter Hua
- DAB Director
- Managing Partner, SoftBank China Venture Capital
Larry Li
- DAB Director
- Managing Director, DFJ Dragon Fund China
David Li
- DAB Director
- CEO & President, CIMC Vehicles (Group) Co. Ltd.
Alan Ren
- DAB Director
- General Manager, VMware China R&D Co-sponsor of VMware Innovation Network
Feng Shen
- DAB Director
- Executive Vice President
& Chairman of Global Quality Management Committee NIO
Liming Yu
- DAB Director
- President, Zhejiang Liming Intelligent Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
Lin Zhang
- DAB Director
- President, Freetech Intelligent Systems Co. Ltd.
Ming Yang
- Ex-officio member
- Acting Dean, UM-SJTU Joint Institute