Courses Detail Information
ME3200J – Fluid Mechanics
Lipo Wang; Qiang Zhang; Chien-pin Chen
Credits: 3
Pre-requisites: ME2350J, ME2400J, and MATH2160J/2560J/2860J
Fluid statics; conservation of mass, momentum ,and energy in fixed and moving control volumes; steady and unsteady Bernoulli’s equation; differential analysis of fluid flow; dimensional analysis and similitude; laminar and turbulent flow; boundary layers; lift and drag; introduction to commercial CFD packages; applications to mechanical, biological, environmental, and micro-fluidic systems.
Course Topics:
- Fluid properties, fluid forces, and flow regimes.
- Fluid statics.
- Flow kinematics.
- Conservation of mass, momentum and energy in fixed, deforming, and moving control volumes.
- The steady and unsteady Bernoulli equation along and normal to a streamline.
- Similitude, dimensional analysis, and modeling?? important non-dimensional groups in fluid mechanics.
- Conservation of mass and momentum expressed through differential analysis.
- Viscous flow in pipes and channels (laminar and turbulent flow regimes, the Moody chart, head loss equation).
- External flow 9boundary layer concept, lift and drag, pressure and friction drag, streamlining and drag reduction.
- Introduction to commercial CFD package.
- Sample applications to mechanical biological, environmental, and microfluidic systems.