Courses Detail Information
ECE3700J – Introduction to Computer Organization
Gang Zheng;Xinfei Guo;Gang Zheng
Credits: 4 credits
Pre-requisites: ECE2700J Obtained Credit&&ECE2800J Obtained Credit
This course is designed to cover basic concepts of computer organization and hardware. Instructions executed by a processor and how to use these instructions in simple assembly-language programs. Stored-program concept. Datapath and control for multiple implementations of a processor. Performance evaluation, pipelining, caches, virtual memory, input/output.
Course Topics:
- Introduction to computer
- MIPS instruction set, operations and operands
- Instruction encoding, addressing mode
- Procedures calling conventions, memory usage
- Assembly programing examples, translating software
- Single cycle processor
- Pipelined datapath and control
- Data hazards
- Control hazards, exceptions
- Cache
- Virtual memory
- I/Os and interfaces
- Parallelism, multiprocessors