Courses Detail Information

ECE7604J – Advanced Topics in Controls


Jun Zhang

Credits: 3 credits

Pre-requisites: Graduate Standing


In this course, we will introduce basic ideas in several advanced topics in control theory, including nonlinear system control, system identification and parameter estimation for both linear and nonlinear systems, adaptive control, and active disturbance rejection control. These are all topics at the center of various control applications, and many of them can be an independent course by its own right. Due to the time limits, we will introduce the most important results from these areas. We will also discuss the utilization of these theories to real world applications such as motion control and process control. We expect that the students can gain in-depth knowledge in theory as well as some hands-on experiences in the applications of these theories.

Course Topics:

Linear systems and linearization;
Lyapunov Stability;
Popov stability method;
Stabilization via linearization;
Integral control;
Gain scheduling: algorithms;
Gain scheduling: theoretical proof;
General methods in system identification;
Parameter estimations in LTI systems
Models for time varying and nonlinear systems;
Convergence and Consistency;
Recursive estimation methods;
Model Reference Adaptive Control;
Stability in MRAC;
Active Disturbance Rejection Control;
Nonlinear model of PM motor;
Current control of motor;
Equilibrium and Linearization of motor model;
Flux observer design;
Stability and convergence of flux observer;
Electric parameter estimation via MRAC method;
Electric parameter estimation via Popov method;
Mechanical parameter offline estimation;
Deadtime compensation via ESO;