Courses Detail Information
ECE6904J – Battery Modeling, Simulation, and Management
Credits: 3 Credits
Pre-requisites: Graduate Standing
The course will cover the basic modeling, simulation, and management of lithium-ion batteries, which consist of several series- and/or parallel connected elementary battery cells. The course will cover:
an overview of the battery technologies with special regard to electric vehicles and to microgrids,
various BMS functions with corresponding modeling and simulation.
the battery state concepts including the State of Charge (SOC), State of Health (SOH) and State of Function (SOF)
the estimation the remaining energy stored in the battery, its ability to power a load, and diagnosis and prognosis considerations.
Matlab/Simulink will be used extensively to help students learn the modeling techniques such as the battery circuit equivalent models, the limitation of models, and the approaches to estimate SOC, SOH and SOF of the battery. The course has a mid-term project, a final project, and several in class short quizzes.
Course Topics:
T00 – Orientation
T01 – Introduction to Batteries
T02 – BMS Requirements
T03 – Cell Modeling Overview
T04 – SimScape Cell Equivalent Circuit Models
T05 – Cell State Space Models
T04 – Cell Model Parameter and SOC Estimation
Midterm Project Presentation
T05 – Cell SOH Estimation
T06 – Simulating Battery Packs
T07 – MicroGrid Battery Scheduling
Final Project Presentation