Courses Detail Information

ECE7609J – Principles of Imaging Science


Credits: 3 Credits

Pre-requisites: Graduate standing.


Imaging science is an interdisciplinary field that extensively investigates the ways of evaluating and optimizing imaging systems and the ways of drawing inferences from image data. This course will introduce the basic principles of imaging science and its applications in medical imaging. The course will cover the fundamentals of image formation and image quality assessment. Topics include mathematical descriptions of imaging systems, inverse problems, model observers, and visual perception. Five common medical imaging modalities and selected applications of artificial intelligence
(AI) in medical imaging will also be covered.

Course Topics:

Course policies;introduction to imaging science
Vectors and operators-l
Vectors and operators-2
Deterministic deseriptions of imaging systems
Stochastic descriptions of objects and images
Inverse problems
Algebraic Reconstruction Technique(ART)
Optimization-based approach and gradient-descentalgori thm
Proximal gradient method
Planar lmaging with X-rays and Gamma Rays
X-ray Computed Tomography(CT)
Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography(SPECT)
Midterm Exam
Magnetic resonance imaging(MRl)-l
Magnetic resonance imaging(MRl)-2
Image Quality
Introduction to statistical decision theory
Signal detection and receiver operating
Bayesian Ideal Observer-1
Bayesian Ideal 0bserver-2
Hotelling Observer
Channelized Hotelling Observer
Visual search
Al for medical imaging
Review and Discussion