Student Projects

Little Fire Fighter
Instructors: Dr. Mian Li, Dr. Irene Wei
Team Members: Tianrui Dang, Jin Huang, Wanxuan Ming, Yushi Li, Zhiyu Zhou
Project Video
Team Members

Team Members:
Tianrui Dang, Jin Huang, Wanxuan Ming, Yushi Li, Zhiyu Zhou
Dr. Mian Li, Dr. Irene Wei
Project Description
Recent years, fire hazards have been happening more frequently in factories. However, the fire extinguishers in factories are mostly fixed and have to be operated by human, which leads to delayed treatment of the fire and therefore more losses.
Concept Generation
Our project aims at building a car carrying fire detecters that can move along a fixed route in the factory day and night and fire extinguishers which can put out the fire immediately.
Design Description
A car based on the tracking, detecting and extinguishing system is our final solution. The tracking system contains infrared sensors and corresponding programme that keep the car in a fixed route. The detecting system uses flame sensors to locate the fire origin and alarm to warn people. Then, the fire extinguishers on the car will spray extinguishing powder to the flame.

Fig. 1 The structure of the fire-fighter

Fig. 2 The tracking part

Fig.3 The detecting and extinguishing system
Modeling and Analysis
The process of building our project is mainly divided into three parts. Firstly, we use infrared sensors to adjust the car to go along the black line on the white ground. Secondly, we choose flame sensors LM393, which detect the flame by wavelength.Once the flame is detected, the Arduino board will control the servo to trigger the wrench of the fire extinguisher. Then, the fire extinguisher will spary the dry powder towards the fire origin. Meanwhile, the car will set off the alarm to warn people of the flame.

Fig. 4 The tracking system model

Fig. 5 The detecting system model

Fig. 6 The extinguishing system model
We did a sample test by testing our car’s sensors’ statistics.
The sensitivity of the infrared sensor means the possibility of tracking the routine rightly. As we have tested different kinds of black, we can regard that this car will fellow the black line stably. Also, we find that the best distance between ground and the sensor is about 1cm to 5cm. Under that range of distance our sensor work stably.
Table 1: Positioning Accuracy Data

0: can’t distinguish 1: can distinguish
The project solves the problem by providing a timely treatment to the fire in factory. It’s more than a simple combination of car and fire extinguisher, it’s an intelligent solution to minimize the possibility of some small flame becoming a disastrous conflagration. One possible improvement is to add servos to adjust the direction of the extinguisher to point accurately at the fire origin. Moreover, we can link the fire-fighter car to the Internet to report the position of the fire for further treatment.
Dr. Mian Li and Dr. Irene Wei from the UM-SJTU Joint Institute;
Teaching Assistants [Feng Hanyang, Qi Fubo] for VG100 at UM-SJTU Joint Institute.
Teaching Assistants [Feng Hanyang, Qi Fubo] for VG100 at UM-SJTU Joint Institute.
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