Student Projects

Vision Detection for Quality of Automotive Tail Lamp
Instructors: Prof. Jigang Wu
Team Members: Dooho Ro, Fenglei Gu, Sarit Kittirattanapaiboon, Yuankai Zhou, Xiheng Wang (in alphabetical order)
Project Video
Team Members

Team Members:
Dooho Ro, Fenglei Gu, Sarit Kittirattanapaiboon, Yuankai Zhou, Xiheng Wang
(in alphabetical order)
Prof. Jigang Wu
Project Description

Concept Generation
The first step is image processing which extracts relevant features from source images of tail lamps.The second step is classification, where the classifier algorithm decides whether the lamp is of good or bad quality, based on the selected features from the previous step.Finally, we also need to consider which programming language to use for implementation.

Design Description
As seen in Fig. 2, the process starts from static images taken from a video of a tail lamp. These images are then analyzed through the Sobel Edge Detection method to extract the features. The result from the method is seen in Fig. 4

These features are then put into a SVM classifier in a binary sequence. To have an efficient SVM on a certain pattern, corresponding features and those from different patterns are introduced as comparison and data augmentation in classifier training. As seen in Fig. 5, SVM makes a reliable classification with maximized margin, to decide if the input features fits the standard of a certain pattern.

There are abundant open-source libraries available for use, such as sklearn and OpenCV, which will significantly helps the development of the project. In the meantime, its runtime performance satisfies the requirement of the factory.

Measures of Performance:
- Accuracy: >80%
- Precision: >0.99
- F1 Score: >0.8
- AUC: >0.8

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-validation_(statistics)
[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confusion_matrix
[3] https://www.codershood.info/2019/01/10/support-vector-machine-machine-learning-algorithm-with-example-and-code/