The main theme of the welcome party is that every JI graduate student is a member of the JI family.
2014 JI New Student Convocation Shows JI’s International Color
2014 JI New Student Convocation was held on September 14. The entire ceremony was conducted in English, showing JI’s international characteristics.
JI Welcomes New Students Wholeheartedly
The registration for new SJTU students kicked off at the new gym in the Minhang campus on September 13. The slogan of this year’s welcome team is “serving the new students wholeheartedly.”
JI leads the way in educating socially responsible engineers
On June 14, 2014, JI sophomore Guangyu Zhang presented “Orienting Engineering Ethics in terms of China: Curricula Shortcomings and Case Studies on China,” a paper co-authored with Dr. Rockwell Clancy, at the American Society of Engineering Education 2014 International Forum.
2014 JI Graduate Student Congress a Success
2014 JI Graduate Student Congress was held at JI on June 17. Prof. Olivier Bauchau, JI Associate Dean for Graduate Education and Chair of Graduate Committee, QQ Wu, Student Affairs Manager, Wentao Qian, Student Counselor, as well as graduate student officers and...
CLT-JI Holds Innovative TA Training Workshop
Forty-three teaching assistants for the 2014 summer semester attended an innovative training workshop sponsored by the JI Center for Learning and Teaching (CLT-JI) on May 17.
JI Wins Top Prizes of SJTU Freshman Mechanical Innovation Competition
The 2014 SJTU Freshman Mechanical Innovation Competition sponsored by Liugong Group was held at the School of Mechanical Engineering on May 16. Among the 8 finalists, JI’s freshman class F1337201 won the second prize and class F1337202 won the fourth prize. The...
JI Meets Shanghai NYU for Friendship Basketball Game
JI Men’s Basketball Team had a tense and exciting game with Shanghai NYU team on April 15.
Sixth SJTU Freshmen Mechanical Innovation Competition Kicked off
The sixth annual SJTU Freshmen Mechanical Innovation Competition, sponsored by Liugong Group, kicked off on March 12.
JI’s Student Affairs Office Receives Numerous Honors
JI’s Student Affairs Office has won the SJTU award of “Excellent Student Work Group” from SJTU Student Affairs Committee again this year besides six other awards.
JI’s 2013 Fall Smart Car Competition a Blast
Twenty JI freshman teams competed in the fall Smart Car Contest held at the JI lab on October 30, which is the classic project and the first major assignment of Vg 100, JI’s flagship freshman course.
Mad Lab: JI’s Vg 100 Recognized again
A ‘Mad Lab’ event jointly organized by IdeaWorks Imagination Factory Club, Black Apple Youth, and Teng Shuo Technology inspired passion for science and technology.