The COVID-19 Challenge event hosted by the University of Michigan – Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute (JI) entered the final round on May 5, 2020. The online event held during the global pandemic period attracted more than 130 attendees from 11 countries....
The University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute (JI) students delivered outstanding performance in the 2020 Mathematical Contest in Modeling/ Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling (MCM/ICM), according to the results announced recently. One...
Professor Hua Bao of the University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute (UM-SJTU JI) and Professor Xiulin Ruan of Purdue University jointly published their latest research work on applying machine learning to uncover the new thermal transport...
【Quotes】 If one wants to discover something, he must dare to doubt and criticize. All the breakthroughs are based on the research and rationality which explain the profound in simple terms. I enjoy the fun of class and become more rigorous through teaching. He has...
The UM-SJTU Joint Institute Design Expo showcases undergraduate projects of JI’s design-based courses, especially the Ve/Vm450 capstone design course. It shows the actual learning outcomes of the students, and provides an opportunity to practice their ability to...
The ternary content-addressable memory (TCAM) has been created with two-dimensional (2D) MoS2 transistors and resistive random-access memories (RRAMs), as an in-memory computing engine that can enable parallel search of massive data, according to a research paper by...