On July 27, 2012, a specialist group consisting of leaders of China’s higher education and officers of the Ministry of Education visited JI, including Junjing Lin , former Vice President of Peiking University, Dayong Li, President of Harbin University, Xiaohong Liu,...
JI’s Class 2008 held a teacher-appreciation banquet and red-carpet show at Liuyuan Restaurant on July 30. Robert Parker, Executive Dean, Shensheng Zhang, former Executive Dean, Peisen Huang, Associate Dean for Education, Scott Yang, Academic Affairs Manager, and...
The graduation show organized by JI’s Class of 2008 was held at the Jingjing Auditorium in the evening of July 23. The graduates and professors spent a memorable evening together reminiscing the past four years. The show was opened by a video titled “The Coolest...
This year’s Open House for the Vg100 (Introduction to Engineering) was held on July 21st and 22nd, showcasing JI freshmen’s 39 invention projects aiming to improve the quality of life, which can be categorized into three themes, i.e., “Greater Good,”...
The seventh Freescale East-China Collegial Smart Car Competition was held on July 17 and 18. 756 students in 252 teams from 54 universities participated in the contest. JI’s sophomores Zheng Gong, Huei Lin, and freshman Yichen Zhao won the first and second prizes...
JI’s lecturer Dr. Gang Zheng was elected as one of the ten most popular teachers of SJTU in 2012. Each school of the SJTU had nominated one teacher and submitted for university-wide voting. The 10 nominees who got the highest votes were awarded as the most popular...