Power Up! JI Students Visit Shanghai Wujing Power Plant

Power Up! JI Students Visit Shanghai Wujing Power Plant

On November 29th, JI students in the Advanced Energy Solutions course (Vm433) visited Shanghai Wujing Power Plant with the course instructor, Dr. Kwee-Yan Teh, and Corporate Relations and Career Counselor, Ms. Candy Liu. The students received a warm welcome from the...
Power Up! JI Students Visit Shanghai Wujing Power Plant

Power Up! JI Students Visit Shanghai Wujing Power Plant

On November 29th, JI students in the Advanced Energy Solutions course (Vm433) visited Shanghai Wujing Power Plant with the course instructor, Dr. Kwee-Yan Teh, and Corporate Relations and Career Counselor, Ms. Candy Liu. The students received a warm welcome from the...
Delegation From Macomb County Michigan Visits JI

Delegation From Macomb County Michigan Visits JI

A delegation from Macomb County, Michigan visited JI on November 28, 2011. JI Executive Director Pam Byrnes gave welcome speech and introduced the Joint Institute. Faculty Director of Corporate Relations Vincent Chang briefed JI’s education, innovation, and...
From Briarwood to Stonewood

From Briarwood to Stonewood

A UM alumnus Mr. Medes Ma, the Managing Partner and Co-Founder of Stonewood Property Investors and Stonewood Consulting  as well as his new colleague, a SJTU alumnus Mr. Victor Xia,  gave a speech titled From Briarwood to Stonewood (Briarwood is a shopping...
From Briarwood to Stonewood

From Briarwood to Stonewood

A UM alumnus Mr. Medes Ma, the Managing Partner and Co-Founder of Stonewood Property Investors and Stonewood Consulting  as well as his new colleague, a SJTU alumnus Mr. Victor Xia,  gave a speech titled From Briarwood to Stonewood (Briarwood is a shopping...
Another JI Student Successfully Solve Math Problems

Another JI Student Successfully Solve Math Problems

Xuan Yang, a student of Class 2010, has published his complete solution to Problem 260 in the November 2011 issue of Math Horizons which is an official journal of the Mathematical Association of America. In the same issue, he is also listed as a solver for Problem...