Off the Press
IEEE 5G Summit Conference concludes successfully

IEEE 5G Summit Conference concludes successfully

The IEEE 5G Summit Conference was held at Shanghai Jiao Tong University’s Xuhui campus on July 28. Jointly organized with the 5G Tutorial (on July 27). Attendees held in-depth study and discussions on the emerging technologies and standardization of 5G communication networks.

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2017 JI Open House and Summer Design Expo successful

2017 JI Open House and Summer Design Expo successful

On August 9, University of Michigan- Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint institute's open house on the occasion of 2017 summer Design Expo was held at the Minhang Campus of SJTU. More than 500 students and parents from home and abroad participated in the activities to...

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Second CACES Research Symposium a success

Second CACES Research Symposium a success

To promote idea exchanges and opportunities for young researchers to practice presentation skills, the second CACES (Center of Advanced Computational Engineering and Sciences) Research Symposium was held at the University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University...

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2017 Summer TA Orientation Conference concludes successfully

2017 Summer TA Orientation Conference concludes successfully

To train the newly-recruited teaching assistants (TA), Center for Learning and Teaching of the University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute (CLT-UM-SJTU JI) held Summer 2017 TA Orientation Conference at the Yu Liming Student Center on May 20,...

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Cheng funds UM-SJTU Joint Institute scholarships

Cheng funds UM-SJTU Joint Institute scholarships

Eugene A. Cheng has established the Dr. David K. Cheng Scholarship Fund to provide need- based support for undergraduate students enrolled in the University of Michigan – Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute (UM – SJTU JI).

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