Off the Press
JI students win big at 2015 MCM/ICM

JI students win big at 2015 MCM/ICM

The recently released results of the 2015 Mathematical Contest in Modeling/ Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling (MCM/ICM) show that among the 24 teams from the University of Michigan- Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute’s (UM-SJTU JI) Innovation Club, 5...

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JI volunteers bring warmth to the Sunshine House

JI volunteers bring warmth to the Sunshine House

On a sunny afternoon in mid-April, six energetic JI student volunteers visited the “Sunshine House” for the mentally challenged in Shanghai, bringing laughter and warmth to the residents. After a little warmup to break the ice, the volunteers sat down with the...

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UM Professor Xun Wu Promotes Ross Master of Management-Shanghai Cohort

UM Professor Xun Wu Promotes Ross Master of Management-Shanghai Cohort

In response to many seniors’ concern about the Ross Master of Management – Shanghai Cohort program, Prof. Wu answered students’ questions in detail. He has great expectation on this collaborative endeavor between JI and UM. He complimented on JI students’ international vision and outstanding leadership.

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JI Student Attends U21 Student Summit

JI Student Attends U21 Student Summit

The 2015 U21 Student Summit was held at National University of Singapore from February 26 to 28, JI student Peng Yuan and Ci Mo of Antai College of Economics & Management were SJTU’s representatives.

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