The winner list of the Shanghai Municipal 1000-Talent Program has just been announced. JI Associate Professor Andreas Mueller wins the award, as the fourth JI faculty member to receive this honor.
JI students win medals in the 4th University Physics Competition
In the 4th University Physics Competition, the Joint Institute has strongly marked its presence, with one team winning the Silver Medal and five teams being awarded the Bronze Medal.
JI Faculty and International Graduate Students Win Awards
Professor Lipo Wang awarded 2013 SJTU Excellent Advisor for International Graduate Students.
Ali Mohammadabadi and Muhammad Zubair Shekh won 2013 SJTU Excellent International Graduate Student Awards.
JI Course Nominated Shanghai Model English Course for International Students
JI’s lecturer Dr. Horst Hohberger’s Probabilistic Methods in Engineering is selected by Shanghai Municipal Education Commission to be a model English Course for international students.
JI Wins 2012 SJTU University Teaching Award
JI has won 2012 SJTU outstanding award in teaching achievement for her reform and innovation in training mechanical engineering students.
US Consul General of Shanghai Speaks at JI about U.S.-China Cooperation
Consul General Robert Griffiths from the Consulate General of the U.S.A. at Shanghai visited SJTU on December 3 and gave a speech at the Joint Institute on U.S.-China cooperation.
A Feast of Sight and Sound: JI 2013 Freshman Welcome Party
JI 2013 Freshman Welcome Party, with the main theme of “Find Me,” is a youthful feast of beauty and energy.
JI’s 2013 Fall Smart Car Competition a Blast
Twenty JI freshman teams competed in the fall Smart Car Contest held at the JI lab on October 30, which is the classic project and the first major assignment of Vg 100, JI’s flagship freshman course.
Mad Lab: JI’s Vg 100 Recognized again
A ‘Mad Lab’ event jointly organized by IdeaWorks Imagination Factory Club, Black Apple Youth, and Teng Shuo Technology inspired passion for science and technology.
JI Doctoral Student Wins Best Student Paper Award in a Prestigious International Conference
Jiangran Zhao, a JI doctoral student of Prof. Kai Xu, has won the Best Student Paper Award at the 2013 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics.
Amazing innovation on display at Summer Design Expo
“The Expo is well organized and very informative. I am pleasantly surprised by the wealth of creativity and talent showcased at the Expo. Bravo!”
2013 JI Freshman Convocation
The 2013 freshmen convocation was held on September 8, 2013. Dean Jun Ni, Executive Dean Peisen Huang, Associate Deans Xinwan Li, Olivier Bauchau, Wansheng Zhao, as well as members of faculty and staff, welcomed the students and parents. The new students consist of...