Off the Press
2013 Brings a Change in JI Leadership

2013 Brings a Change in JI Leadership

As approved by the Board of Directors, Dean Ni recently announced some changes in JI’s leadership team: Effective January 1, 2013, Professor Peisen Huang has assumed the position of Deputy Dean. Effective September 1, 2012, Professor Olivier Bauchau (former Chair of...

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Two JI Professors Win MOE’s Ph.D. Research Foundation Grants

Two JI Professors Win MOE’s Ph.D. Research Foundation Grants

JI Professors Tian Yang and Jigang Wu won the 2012 Grants of Chinese University Ph. D. Research Foundation sponsored by MOE. They both applied for the discipline of electronics and communication.Yang is in the category of Ph. D. Advisor, and Wu is in the category of...

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2012 Winter Design Expo Concludes Successfully

2012 Winter Design Expo Concludes Successfully

2012 Winter Capstone Projects Oral Defense and Design Expo took place in the library of Shanghai Jiao Tong University on December 19, 2012. In the morning, two oral defense sessions proceeded concurrently. In the afternoon, an exhibition showcased 15 capstone...

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Interview with the Covidien Scholarship Winners

Interview with the Covidien Scholarship Winners

Editor’s Note: In November of 2012, for the first time, JI awarded the highly coveted “Covidien Scholarship,” which covers up to 4 years of full tuition for any freshman who ranked the provincial top 30 in the national college entrance exams. The winners this year are...

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JI Students Win a Cornucopia of Scholarships and Awards

JI Students Win a Cornucopia of Scholarships and Awards

The 2012 JI scholarship award ceremony was held in Jingjing Hall on November 12. SJTU’s Jian Zhu, Secretary General of the Student Guidance Commission, Xin Zhao, Secretary of Youth League, and Lizhou Shen, Deputy Secretary of Youth League, JI’s Peishen Huang,...

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“Join Us, Dude” Exudes Talent of JI Students

“Join Us, Dude” Exudes Talent of JI Students

After nearly two months of secret and feverish preparation, JI Students’ Union proudly presented the 2012 New Students Welcome Party themed “Joint Institute, Join Us Dude” at Jingjing Hall on November 12. SJTU VIPs included Jian Zhu, Secretary General of the Student...

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