A Letter to Overseas JI Students

A Letter to Overseas JI Students

The unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic has rapidly become a public health crisis around the world. It happened so suddenly and so violently that every aspect of our lives, our study and our work, has been significantly disrupted. Every day, we are overwhelmed by the high number of new confirmed cases,the huge amount of information circulated online and offline, and the widespread concern and fear.

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Fight against the NCP | Useful information for JIers in China

Fight against the NCP | Useful information for JIers in China

Since the novel coronavirus outbreak in China weeks ago, all-out efforts have been made under the leadership of the Chinese governments at different levels to curb the spread of the disease, now officially called the novel coronavirus pneumonia (NCP) or abbreviated as “2019-nCoV” in newscoverage outside China.

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JI holds 2019 Thank You Day

JI holds 2019 Thank You Day

The University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute (UM-SJTU JI, JI hereafter) held the 2019 Thank You Day event at Long Bin Building on November 16, in a bid to express gratitude to all people who have provided continuous support for the development of JI.

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