
Faculty Type Search - CN

办公室 405A
电话 +86-21-34206765 Ext.4051
电子邮箱 enling.chiao@sjtu.edu.cn


Ph.D. Psychology (Concentration in Positive Developmental Psychology), Claremont Graduate University
M.A. Psychology (Concentration in Positive Developmental Psychology), Claremont Graduate University
M.Ed. Educational Psychology (Specialization in Gifted and Creative Education), University of Georgia
B.S. Psychology, Chung Yuan Christian University


  • UM-SJTU JI (Assistant Teaching Professor) – Introduction to Psychology, Introduction to Cognitive Psychology, Research Methods in Psychology, Positive Psychology, Creativity
  • Simpson University (Assistant Professor) – Introduction to Psychology, Statistics and Research Methods I, Child Development, History and Systems of Psychology, Research Methods, Lifespan Development, Cognitive Psychology, Positive Psychology
  • Chaffey College (Adjunct Professor) – Developmental Psychology: Lifespan Development
  • Claremont Graduate University (Teaching Assistant) – Theories and Concepts in Lifespan Developmental Psychology
  • Claremont Graduate University (Research Assistant) – Adolescent Moral Development, Civic Engagement in Youth
  • Claremont Graduate University (Information/Instructional Technology Assistant)
  • University of Georgia (Course Assistant) – Theories of Creativity


  • Transdisciplinary Dissertation Award, Claremont Graduate University
  • Dean’s Merit Awards (Ph.D.), Claremont Graduate University
  • Teaching and Research Assistant Fellowships, Claremont Graduate University
  • Positive Psychology Fellowships, Claremont Graduate University
  • Regent’s Out-of-State Tuition Waiver Award, University of Georgia
  • Certificate of Holistic/Academic Achievement Awards, Chung Yuan Christian University


  • Sustainable (Higher) Education: University without Borders; Infinity Univeristy PI (*AI)
  • Life Progress (Citizen Science – Open Model)
  • Positive Education
  • Well-Being


  • Lambert, L., Draper, Z. A., Warren, M. A., Joshanloo, M., Chiao, E.-L., Schwam, A., & Arora, T. (2021). Conceptions of happiness matter: Relationships between fear and fragility of happiness and mental and physical wellbeing. Journal of Happiness Studies.
  • Chiao, E.-L. (2021, April). Career Development. In Y. Shu (Chair). Doctoral Student Class Meeting. Lecture conducted from UM-SJTU JI, Shanghai
  • Samways, M., Teasel, S., Waldrop, R. J., Chiao, E.-L., & Warren, M. A. (2019). Short reports: Positive education in Dubai: A pilot study of teacher experiences. Middle East Journal of Positive Psychology, 5(1), 97-104.
  • Chiao, E.-L. (2019, November). Grit. Academic mentor development workshop given in the Academic Success Center at Simpson University, Redding, CA.
  • Chiao, E.-L. (2019, August). An open model for life progress. In E. Johnson (Chair), Worldview and human development. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the American Psychology Association, Chicago, IL.
  • Chiao, E.-L. (2012, April). Let’s “flow” on Wikis. In J. Nakamura (Chair), Flow theory and research: New directions. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the Western Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.
  • Chiao, E.-L. & Ono, M. (2012, April). The contribution of intelligence and Big Five personality traits to adult life satisfaction. In J. Gottfried (Chair), Predictors and pathways to adult life satisfaction. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the Western Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.
  • Sloper, M., Chiao, E.-L., Benavides, C., & Wray-Lake, L. (2012, April). Are adolescents’ civic behaviors value-based? Exploring associations between values and actions. Paper session presented at the meeting of the Western Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.
  • Chiao, E.-L. (2011, April 16) Positive youth development. Parenting workshop, Premier Academy, Chino Hills, CA.
  • Chiao, E.-L. (2007, March). Creative Community Care (Town & Talent Technology黄羊川千乡万才计画). Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the Georgia Association for Gifted Children, Atlanta, GA.
  • Chiao, E.-L. (2007, March). Leader in the group of “Strategies for Teaching Gifted Students” at the annual meeting of the Georgia Association for Gifted Children, Atlanta, GA.


  • 2021 – pres. Wellness Mentor, UM-SJTU JI
  • 2021 – 2023 Class Teacher, UM-SJTU JI
  • 2020 Manuscript Reviewer, Journal of Psychology and Theology
  • 2019 – 2020 Member, Institutional Review Board Committee, Simpson University
  • 2019 – 2020 Asian American Fellowship Co-Adviser, Simpson University