Dissertation Title: Optical and Electronic Properties of 2D Magnetic Semiconductor CrSBr

Date: 2024/11/08 - 2024/11/08

Dissertation Title: Optical and Electronic Properties of 2D Magnetic Semiconductor CrSBr

Speaker: Kaiman Lin, Ph.D. candidate at UM-SJTU Joint Institute

Time: November 8th from 4:30 p.m., 2024 (Beijing Time)

Location: Room 403, Longbin Building


Chromium Sulfur Bromide (CrSBr), with its van der Waals antiferromagnetic properties, presents significant potential for applications in optoelectronics, spintronics, and quantum technologies due to its sizable direct bandgap, good stability in air, and high transition temperature. This dissertation investigates the strong coupling between excitons and phonons in CrSBr, confirmed through low-temperature photoluminescence spectroscopy, and validates band splitting in both the conduction and valence bands through experimental and theoretical evidence. Additionally, a novel method for improving metal/2D contacts is proposed and experimentally verified. In conclusion, this dissertation advances our understanding of the optical, electronic, and magnetic properties of CrSBr and provides practical techniques for improving Schottky contacts in 2D materials, paving the way for future nanotechnology applications.


Kaiman Lin received the B.S. degree in Electronic and Information Engineering from Xiamen University in 2019. She is currently a Ph.D. candidate at the UM-SJTU Joint Institute, supervised by Prof. Yaping Dan. Her current research interests focus on Semiconducting Materials and Devices.