Announcement of Withdrawal for Two International Undergraduate Students

Date: 2025/01/14 - 2025/01/29

Dear Students and Faculty,

This is an announcement of withdrawal for two international undergraduate students.

Ⅰ. PHYO HEIN AUNG(学号:521370990018)同学:







Dear PHYO HEIN AUNG(521370990018),

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 8, Section 6, Chapter 5 (E) of the JI "Student Handbook"  [2021], you have received two drop-out recommendation letters and are subject to dismissal. The school sent your "Pre-Dismissal Notice" to JI on September 18, 2024. Since September 2024, you have not processed the withdrawal procedures.


Because you did not reply to the email and Wechat (feishu) contacted by JI, and could not be reached by other means, JI sends you the "Pre-Notice of Dismissal Processing Letter" by public announcement. The notice shall be deemed to have been served 15 days from the date of issuance.

If you have any objection to the university's decision, you may file a written appeal to the School's Student Appeal Handling Committee within 5 days after the service.


Undergraduate Education Office

UM-SJTU Joint Institute


Ⅱ. ARVINBUYAN OTGONBAYAR(学号:521370990055)同学:






Dear ARVINBUYAN OTGONBAYAR (Student ID: 521370990055)

Based on the Item (7) of Article 44 of the Regulations on Undergraduate Management of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Shanghai Jiao Tong University (2021) 36), those who fail to register after the prescribed time limit and fail to fulfill the procedures for suspending registration shall drop out of school. You have not registered since September 2024. The university has sent the Pre-notice to JI on December 20, 2024. Because you did not reply to the email and wechat contacted by JI, and could not be reached by other means, JI sends you the "Pre-Notice of Dismissal Processing Letter" by public announcement. The notice shall be deemed to have been served after 15 days from the date of issuance.

If you have any objection to the university's decision, you may file a written appeal to the School's Student Appeal Handling Committee within 5 days after the service.


Undergraduate Education Office

UM-SJTU Joint Institute