Ivánio Tjin-A-Djie, a 24-year-old graduate student in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Michigan – Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute (UM-SJTU JI), embarked on an academic journey that began in Suriname, South America, passed through the Netherlands, Europe, and ultimately brought him to Shanghai, China in Asia. For Ivánio, who thrives on adventure and exploring the unknown, his journey to JI was not only a fulfillment of his academic aspirations but also a return to his ancestral roots, allowing him to delve deeper into the rich culture of China.

From Suriname to China: a three-generation connection

 Born and raised in Suriname, Ivánio’s connection to China dates back to the last century. His grandmother, a Hakka woman from Dongguan, Guangdong Province, married a Chinese baker in Suriname after migrating across the ocean. “Both of my parents have Chinese roots, and because of my grandmother, I’ve always been curious and eager to learn about China,” Ivánio shared.

A bright and diligent student, Ivánio was admitted to Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) in the Netherlands after graduating from high school, to pursue his undergraduate studies in Mechanical Engineering at the university reputed as “Europe’s MIT.” During his senior year, he seized the opportunity to participate in a short-term exchange program at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), setting foot in the country he had dreamed of visiting for the first time.

Ivanio (first row, in the middle) at the Great Wall in Beijing with classmates during exchange program

Ivanio (first row, fourth from right) at the Tian’anmen Square in Beijing with classmates during exchange program

Choosing JI: a pathway to knowledge and growth

The few months spent in Shanghai during the exchange program left Ivánio captivated by the city and SJTU. After completing his undergraduate degree in the Netherlands, he decided to return to China to pursue a master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering and conduct research on microsystems at JI.

“I chose JI primarily because of its well-structured curriculum and research opportunities. The courses are systematically organized, with consistent tasks throughout the semester, which keeps me focused and helps me deepen my understanding. Also, JI offers captivating research opportunities from the very beginning, not just during the final stages of the degree,” he explained.

Ivanio (second from left) visits Shanghai Center, the tallest building of Shanghai, with classmates.

Since enrolling in JI in September 2024, Ivánio has expressed plans to stay in China after completing the three-year graduate program. “I want to continue my Ph.D. here or find a job. This university has shown me endless possibilities, and there’s still so much to learn and explore.”

Embracing Shanghai Life: from challenges to fulfillment

Ivánio’s first days in Shanghai were not without challenges. From navigating the intricate metro system to ordering meals in the canteens, the language barrier initially posed significant hurdles. “At first, it was hard to get around the city. Understanding signs and finding the right stops was a challenge. Ordering food in the canteens wasn’t easy either. But fortunately, the students here are very friendly and often helped me with translations. Learning Chinese and using translation apps have made things much easier over time,” he said.

Soon after joining JI, Ivánio adapted to life on campus. Despite the occasional difficulties, he expressed great satisfaction with his current academic and social environment. “I really enjoy my courses here. They are well-structured, moderately challenging, and well-organized. The professors are highly competent and make the classes interactive and engaging. My classmates are brilliant, though sometimes a bit shy about answering questions. Campus life at SJTU is really delightful. You always bump into familiar faces. It is very easy to plan something with your friends here, because everyone lives close to each other.”

In his free time, Ivánio, a former national judo champion in Suriname, enjoys staying active by playing basketball with friends. “I enjoy a lot of different sports, and I try to keep myself as active as possible. I’m mostly playing basketball and tennis, but I want to learn more about other big sports here such as badminton and table tennis.”

Ivánio is also an enthusiastic participant in extracurricular activities on campus, often attending events organized by the JI International Student Association. These activities allow him to meet other international students and learn about diverse cultures. On weekends or holidays, he often ventures beyond the campus to explore the city and the country.

Ivanio (second from right) attends event organized by the JI International Student Association.

His first visit to China left him enamored with its culture and lifestyle. “Shanghai is an incredibly diverse city with cuisines from all over the world. Chinese food, especially Sichuan and Cantonese cuisines, is so rich and varied. The food is definitely my favorite part of China.”

Ivánio is also impressed by China’s advanced technology and well-developed infrastructure. “The streets in Shanghai are always clean and well-maintained, with every detail thoughtfully designed. Despite the large population, it doesn’t feel overcrowded. Life here is incredibly efficient and convenient, thanks to various apps and technological facilities. It’s far beyond what I initially expected.”