International students of the University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute (UM-SJTU JI, JI hereafter) on the Shanghai campus celebrated their Thanksgiving Day with free luncheon, games and gifts. The luncheon event was held in the Faculty & Staff Club of Long Bin Building on the eve of the holiday.
Venue in Thanksgiving decorations
Dean Peisen Huang cuts turkey for students
International students share life and study stories during lunch
Students play the “loop game” on the sidelines of the luncheon and collect free gifts

Group photo of attendees
“It’s the best Thanksgiving I have ever had, and I’m deeply moved,“said Taeyon Kim, a senior student from South Korea.
Gift packs for international students who are not able to return on campus because of the pandemic
According to Yu Zhang, manager of International Student Service Office, the luncheon is part of JI’s series of service for international students. “We are also planning to send out nearly 100 New Year gift packs in the coming weeks to our international students who are not able to return on the Shanghai campus because of the global pandemic,” she said.