Online Recruitment Information Event
An online recruitment information event organized by the University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute (JI) will be held on May 18 (US Eastern Time) from 8:00 to 10:00PM. JI invites applicants to apply for faculty positions in ME, ECE, and MSE.
UM-SJTU Joint Institute International Symposium for Young Investigators
The International Symposium for Young Investigators will be held online from June 20 to June 22.
Chemical Reviews publishes JI faculties’ overview and outlook of fast ionic conductors
A review of fast ionic conductors by the University of Michigan – Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute (JI) Assistant Professor Shouhang Bo and his collaborators was published recently by leading international chemistry journal Chemical Reviews (IF = 54.301 in 2018).
A Letter to Overseas JI Students
The unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic has rapidly become a public health crisis around the world. It happened so suddenly and so violently that every aspect of our lives, our study and our work, has been significantly disrupted. Every day, we are overwhelmed by the high number of new confirmed cases,the huge amount of information circulated online and offline, and the widespread concern and fear.
JI doctoral student uncovers new thermal transport mechanism in nanoporous graphene via machine learning
Professor Hua Bao of the University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute (UM-SJTU JI) and Professor Xiulin Ruan of Purdue University jointly published their latest research work on applying machine learning to uncover the new thermal transport mechanism in nanoporous graphene.
JI research team realizes synthesis anti-PT symmetry system in a single optical microcavity
Synthesis anti-PT symmetry system can be realized in a single optical microcavity, according to an article published by Professor Wenjie Wan’s research team at the University of Michigan – Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute (UM-SJTU JI).
JI professor’s research finding may revolutionize the classical photoconductor gain theory
The classical photoconductor gain theory may be revolutionalized, thanks to research finding of Professor Yaping Dan’s team at the University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute (UM-SJTU JI). The research finding was published recently in an article entitled “Explicit Gain Equations for Single Crystalline Photoconductors” in ACS Nano.
2020 Winter Program Best Wechat Blog and Picture Contest opens today!
Bloggers at each team has provided 67 wonderful posts recording the teams daily life during the programs. To be reviewed by a committee of JI Staff, Faculty and Students, this award will be given to 5 blogs, including the “Best Blog” and the ones with “Best Cover Picture”, “Best Writing”, “Best Photograph” and “Best Page Organization”.
318 Winter Program students all returned safe and sound!
With the last group of students landed in Shanghai Pudong Airport at 3pm, February 23, 2020 from Kyoto, a day before the previously scheduled registration day of JI’s 2020 Spring Term, all the 318 students participating the 2020 Winter programs have all returned to China after a 56-days journey in 12 different countries, 15 programs worldwide.
COVID-19 Challenge
Shine Your Creativity
amid Novel Coronavirus ( COVID – 19 ) Epidemic
The University’s Letter to All the Students
We hope that you will make full use of your time and live up to your duties and responsibilities, which we believe is the best way to create a better future for all of us.
Fight against the NCP | Useful information for JIers in China
Since the novel coronavirus outbreak in China weeks ago, all-out efforts have been made under the leadership of the Chinese governments at different levels to curb the spread of the disease, now officially called the novel coronavirus pneumonia (NCP) or abbreviated as “2019-nCoV” in newscoverage outside China.