Multiple JI research projects secure 2018 NSFC funding

Multiple JI research projects secure 2018 NSFC funding

The National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) announced the 2018 list of funded projects recently. Four projects of the University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute (UM-SJTU JI) were on the list, including two Young Scientist Projects and two General Projects.

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2018 JI Open Day and Summer Design Expo held successfully

2018 JI Open Day and Summer Design Expo held successfully

The University of Michigan- Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint institute’s open day on the occasion of 2018 summer Design Expo was held at the Minhang Campus of SJTU on August 8. More than 500 students and parents from home and abroad participated in the activities to see JI’s outstanding students and extraordinary achievements first hand.

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JI student wins Best Poster Award at ACS symposium

JI student wins Best Poster Award at ACS symposium

The University of Michigan – Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute PhD student Xuejiao Gao from JI professor Yaping Dan’s research group was awarded a “Best Poster Award” with her research presentation on “Defect Investigation of Boron-doped Silicon by Self-Assembled Molecular Monolayers” at the ACS Symposium on Innovation in Materials Science held in Shanghai last week.

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Symposium on smart connected systems held at JI

Symposium on smart connected systems held at JI

On May 24th, the Preparation Meeting and Symposium for the UM-SJTU Joint Research Center for Smart Connected Systems was held at JI Long Bin Building. Senior representatives from leading companies including CIMC, Freetech, Bosch, DFJ Dragon Fund China, GE Healthcare (China) Group, JMCG, Panasonic, and renowned scholars from the University of Michigan and Shanghai Jiao Tong University attended the meeting. The symposium was officiated by JI Professor Xudong Wang.

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JI hosts preparation meeting for UM-SJTU joint research center

JI hosts preparation meeting for UM-SJTU joint research center

The University of Michigan – Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute held the preparation meeting for the UM-SJTU Joint Research Center for Smart Connected Systems on May 24th. The invited guests from renowned universities and enterprises, including the University of Michigan, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, CIMC, Bosch, GE Healthcare, Freetech, DFJ Dragon Fund China, JMCG, gathered at the Long Bin Building for in-depth discussions to map out blueprint and pathway of the research center.

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Innovation Center for China-U.S. Youth Exchange inaugurated at JI

Innovation Center for China-U.S. Youth Exchange inaugurated at JI

On May 24th, Innovation Center for China-U.S. Youth Exchange was officially inaugurated at the UM-SJTU Joint Institute. The center was unveiled by Sean Stein, the Consul General of the U.S. Consulate General in Shanghai, and Weimin Che, the Deputy Director of Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange of China’s Ministry of Education, in a launching ceremony held at the newly-built Long Bin Building of the joint institute.

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