2017 JI commencement – aspiring to succeed with gratitude, responsibility, and hard work
84% of the graduates will continue graduate study at famous foreign and domestic universities; those who chose employment will join Huawei, Google, Amazon, Facebook, Intel, Microsoft, China Mobile, etc.
JI’s 2017 Summer Design Expo showcases trendy technologies
More than 90 innovative projects are from JI’s summer experimental courses such as “Introduction to Engineering,” “Design and Manufacturing 3,” “System Design and Implementation,” and “Undergraduate Research Project.”
The First JI International Summer School concluded successfully
The 2017 University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute (UM-SJTU JI) I3Q International Summer School, the first JI Summer School for International Students, was held on July 3 to July 7. The attendees consisted of 18 international students from...
The First JI Graduate Research Poster Contest a Success
In early July, the first graduate research poster contest of the Joint Institute was held at the Yu Liming Student Center. In the competition, JI graduate students presented the results of their research projects to the public in the form of posters. The contest...
Featured student – Xieyang Liu: the passion for life makes one indomitable
Self Portrait:Xieyang Liu, University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute (UM-SJTU JI) Undergraduate Class of 2017,a native of Jiangsu Province, first-prize winner of Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM),twice winner of Tang Junyuan...
2017 JI Undergraduate Graduation Show memorable
The rich colorful program held on July 20th at SJTU showed the graduates’ gratitude to teachers and best wishes to their classmates.
JI alumnus Hai Huang in Forbes China’s 2017 List of “30 Under 30 China”
JI alumnus Hai Huang, 28, co-founder and CEO of Asset Pro is one of the honorees in the category of Finance & Venture Capital, following Shaolong Sui who was selected in the 2016 “30 Under 30 Asia” list of business leaders.
Dr. Haiteng Ma from JI wins the ASME Turbo Expo best paper award
The 62nd Turbomachinery Technical Conference & Exposition, organized by the International Gas Turbine Institute (IGTI) and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) was held in Charlotte, North Carolina from June 26 to 30, 2017. Dr. Haiteng Ma, who...
Dr. Qianli Chen’s research published in Nature Communications
Dr. Qianli Chen, a JI research scientist, has published a paper in Nature Communications , coauthored with Dr. Artur Braun from Empa – Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology.
Second CACES Research Symposium a success
To promote idea exchanges and opportunities for young researchers to practice presentation skills, the second CACES (Center of Advanced Computational Engineering and Sciences) Research Symposium was held at the University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University...
JI distinguished seminar series: building a better connected world by light
On June 1, Professor Zhengyuan Xu, Founding Director of the Optical Wireless Communication and Network Center, Founding Director of Wireless-Optical Communications Key Laboratory of Chinese Academy of Sciences, visited the University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong...
JI students win championship at 38th Odyssey of the Mind World Finals
The 38th Odyssey of the Mind (OM) World Finals were held at Michigan State University on May 24 – 27. The SJTU team, led by JI students, emerged from 850 teams from around the world and won the world championship in the college category.