JI Faculty wins first prize of 2015 SJTU Teaching Award

JI Faculty wins first prize of 2015 SJTU Teaching Award

The winner list of the 2015 Shanghai Jiao Tong University Teaching Awards has been announced. Among the 115 entries from 29 schools (departments), the University of Michigan- SJTU Joint Institute (UM-SJTU JI) faculty team featuring “Innovative Education with Corporate...

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Lin Haozhou: Question every choice

Lin Haozhou: Question every choice

Born in 1988, Haozhou caught the first train to JI as the Joint Institute was established in 2006, tooting the 2+2 program, upon his graduating from high school. Following his heart, Haozhou chose JI without hesitation and thereby started his life journey.

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The First Muriel & Jackson Lum Scholarships awarded

The First Muriel & Jackson Lum Scholarships awarded

The first award ceremony of the Muriel & Jackson Lum Scholarship was held at University of Michigan- Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute’s (UM-SJTU JI) Yu Liming Student Activity Center on July 8. Mr. and Mrs. Lum were present to give the awards. The...

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Prof. Yong Long wins 2015 UM-SJTU Collaborative Research Grant

Prof. Yong Long wins 2015 UM-SJTU Collaborative Research Grant

University of Michigan- Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute (UM-SJTU JI) Assistant Professor Yong Long’s joint proposal with UM Professor Jeffrey A. Fessler titled “Ultra-Low Dose CT Image Reconstruction Based on Big Data Priors” has won a two-year funding...

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JI graduate students win Shanghai Excellent Thesis Awards

JI graduate students win Shanghai Excellent Thesis Awards

Passing the competitive selection process of both SJTU and Shanghai Government Education Committee, Chengzhi Shi, ME master student, and Xiaolong He, ECE master student, both of JI’s 2010 Class of Graduate Students (first of JI), turned out to be the winners of this honor.

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