JIers Stand out and Shine at SJTU Commencement
The 2014 SJTU Undergraduate Commencement was held at the Minhang Campus on June 29.
SJTU Center for HPC and JI Sign Memorandum of Cooperation
On June 30th, the SJTU Center for High Performance Computing and the UM-SJTU Joint Institute signed a memorandum of cooperation. Xinwan Li, JI’s Associate Dean for Research, and Yizhong Gu, Director of SJTU Center for HPC, signed the memorandum, witnessed by...
2014 JI Graduate Student Congress a Success
2014 JI Graduate Student Congress was held at JI on June 17. Prof. Olivier Bauchau, JI Associate Dean for Graduate Education and Chair of Graduate Committee, QQ Wu, Student Affairs Manager, Wentao Qian, Student Counselor, as well as graduate student officers and...
Prof. Sung-Liang Chen Awarded by 2014 Shanghai Pu Jiang Talent Program
Prof. Chen’s proposal is titled “All-optical integrated optical- and acoustic-resolution photoacoustic microscopy.”
JI’s Yu Liming Student Activity Center Unveiled
Mr.Yu expressed his earnest hope for our students to study hard and revive China’s manufacturing industry which is lagging behind other countries in core technology.
Interviews with the JI 2014 Outstanding TA
The teaching assistant system is a characteristic of the JI. The teaching assistants play an important role in the teaching process. The 2014 Outstanding Teaching Assistant winners are JI students Yanrong Li, Xianglong Wang, Jiesheng Zhang, and Ming Zhong.
JI’s First Luncheon for Exchange Students Well Appreciated
To encourage the interaction between JI faculty and summer exchange students, a luncheon was held at the SJTU Cultural Exchange Center on May 29.
JI Faculty and Student Publish in Nature Communications
JI Associate Professor Benjamin Yellen and his team have recently published a paper titled Magnetophoretic circuits for digital control of single particles and cells on Nature Communications, the prestigious American scientific journal.
JI Undergraduate Course Review a Success
JI is currently undergoing review for ABET accreditation, for which the course review is a requirement. It is also a process for faculty, students, and administration to work together and reach the goal of high-quality engineering education.
CLT-JI Holds Innovative TA Training Workshop
Forty-three teaching assistants for the 2014 summer semester attended an innovative training workshop sponsored by the JI Center for Learning and Teaching (CLT-JI) on May 17.
JI Wins Top Prizes of SJTU Freshman Mechanical Innovation Competition
The 2014 SJTU Freshman Mechanical Innovation Competition sponsored by Liugong Group was held at the School of Mechanical Engineering on May 16. Among the 8 finalists, JI’s freshman class F1337201 won the second prize and class F1337202 won the fourth prize. The...
JI Will Offer New Program of Materials Science and Engineering
During the 15th JI board meeting held on May 8th, all board members of SJTU and University of Michigan voted unanimously for the proposal to establish the program of Materials Science and Engineering at JI. Detailed plan of the program will be submitted to the...