SJTU Center for HPC and JI Sign Memorandum of Cooperation

SJTU Center for HPC and JI Sign Memorandum of Cooperation

On June 30th, the SJTU Center for High Performance Computing and the UM-SJTU Joint Institute signed a memorandum of cooperation. Xinwan Li, JI’s Associate Dean for Research, and Yizhong Gu, Director of SJTU Center for HPC, signed the memorandum, witnessed by...

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2014 JI Graduate Student Congress a Success

2014 JI Graduate Student Congress a Success

2014 JI Graduate Student Congress was held at JI on June 17. Prof. Olivier Bauchau, JI Associate Dean for Graduate Education and Chair of Graduate Committee, QQ Wu, Student Affairs Manager, Wentao Qian, Student Counselor, as well as graduate student officers and...

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Interviews with the JI 2014 Outstanding TA

Interviews with the JI 2014 Outstanding TA

The teaching assistant system is a characteristic of the JI. The teaching assistants play an important role in the teaching process. The 2014 Outstanding Teaching Assistant winners are JI students Yanrong Li, Xianglong Wang, Jiesheng Zhang, and Ming Zhong.

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JI Undergraduate Course Review a Success

JI Undergraduate Course Review a Success

JI is currently undergoing review for ABET accreditation, for which the course review is a requirement. It is also a process for faculty, students, and administration to work together and reach the goal of high-quality engineering education.

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