2012 Vg100 Summer Symposium was held on July 21-22. JI freshmen presented 39 inventions as part of their Vg100 assignments.
Here are some snapshots of the event.
Students with parents walking into the venue with confidence
Prof. Daida, a UM professor, teaches Vg 100 at JI every summer
Team Panda’s automatic music stand
Team Wise.E‘s pedal-driven broom cleaner to remove long hair
Showing the result of a survey: “What kind of broom do you use?”
Team FTFer’s WiFi intensity demonstration with LED lights on a bicycle
Team Failure.temp describing their inexpensive ultra-high speed medical centrifuge
Team ARMS’s water recycling system designed to solve the drought problem in the Tianshui area in Gansu Province
Team PASSIONeer showing the low cost of their combined contact lenses & glasses container
Team Axis demonstrating their automatic page-turner for piano scores
Team Extra-Scope’s rain-and-snow-proof chimney cap for a wood carbonizer in Harbin, China
Q&A at end of each presentation
Team SophCosmos’s trolley for farmers to use on field paths in China
Team members listening attentively to their teammate
Parents snapping great performance
Yanran Yang and Xiao Wu, TA’s of Vg100
Mengyang Qi and Jianghao Lu, TA’s of Vg100
Masako Iwamoto teaches English communication and writing skill for Vg100
TA’s and students celebrating the successful presentation
Prof. Daida and students at the closing of the symposium