Group picture
(Sun Xun-second on the right,Hu Bingyuan-first on the right)
After three months of fierce competition, the SJTU Freshmen Ping Pong Tournament concluded on December 14, 2012. JI freshmen Sun Xun and Hu Bingyuan snatched the first and fourth places respectively in the Women’s Singles.
Sun Xun joined SJTU’s Ping Pong Club in this September and has played in SJTU’s Minhang Team, which won the fifth place of the Shanghai Sunshine Cup in October. She has been practicing every Wednesday and Friday. During the tournament, Sun Xun defeated her opponents all the way through. She commented, “There are so many formidable players. My championship didn’t come easy.”
This victory follows JI’s winning SJTU Freshmen Volleyball Tournament few weeks ago. JI has become visible in SJTU’s sports scene. It proves that JI students excel in sports as well as in academics.