On March 21 -22, 2013, ten juniors from the top universities all over China came to JI to attend the Graduate Student Recruitment Spring Camp sponsored by JI’s Graduate Students Office. The purpose of the camp is to introduce JI’s graduate school offerings and the admission procedures to the prospective students.

Prof. Peishen Huang talking with students
On the first day, Prof. Peisen Huang, Deputy Dean, welcomed the students and gave a briefing about JI. The students were divided into groups and met with professors to discuss research opportunities. The casual luncheon provided an occasion for students to talk freely with the teachers.

Students visiting the labs
On the second day, students had a tour of JI faculty members’ laboratories, each of which was guided by a graduate student or post-doc. Students showed great interests and asked many questions. In the afternoon, students met with their prospective advisors individually to have further discussions.

Group picture with JI faculty
The Spring Camp was productive in that it lets prospective students know about JI and lets teachers recruit potential graduate students.All of the ten students will be invited to JI’s annual Graduate Student Recruitment Summer Camp to be held in mid-July this year, where the 2013 recruitment interviews will be conducted. A student from Southeast University commented that this was a very helpful camp for her. She thanks JI and looks forward to coming back in July.