The University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute (UM-SJTU JI, JI hereafter) Centre for Entrepreneurship (CFE) Director Professor Pradeep Ray has led the publication of “Digital Methods and Tools to Support Healthy Ageing”, a multi-disciplinary book involving more than 30 authors from eight countries in four continents.

The book with contributors including eight JI CFE members was published recently by the reputed IET (erstwhile Institute of Engineering and Technology) Press of London ( ). Co-editors of the book include JI Professor Pradeep Ray, Director of WHO Collaborating Centre on eHealth of the University of New South Wales Professor Siaw-Teng Liaw, and Professor Artur Serrano, leader of several European Union Projects on Aged Care Technologies.

Digital health promises to deliver better healthcare quality, cost-efficiently to the elderly. The three-part book starts with a discussion of the underlying principles drawn from related disciplines, such as economics, geriatrics, systems engineering, environmental science and privacy/security. The second part presents a discussion of digital health from a service perspective including the areas of social services, supply chains, aged care services, mental health services with a case study of services during the pandemic. The third part discusses aged care from the technology perspective, such as mixed reality for dementia, exoskeletons for rehabilitation, telepresence robots for integrated elderly care, the role of Internet of Things (IoT) technology and methodologies for systems/software development and design for the elderly.

This book will be useful for students, researchers and teachers in related disciplines and entrepreneurs and practitioners, said Professor Ray who plans to use the book for the purpose of teaching at the joint institute.